• The Bees are Back!

    By Gianna Wichelow

    After a winter of being well wrapped up, the COC's honeybees are back outside on the roof of the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, and getting busy for another honey-making season.

    Beekeeper Fred Davis tells us that the hives look healthy and active now that the warm weather is here. In other good news, the hives have been shifted slightly from last year's location, so they'll be even easier to see from the north bar on Ring Four and from the window of the north door to the roof. Fred thinks that, as they'll get more sun here, they'll be happier. Please take a minute when you're attending the opera this spring to check them out! Fred also plans to "re-Queen" three of the hives to strengthen them. Fascinating stuff!

    Here at the COC, we believe we're the only performing arts building in North America that has taken this step to helping protect and repopulate this very important species. But we don't want to be the only one and urge other landmarks, especially in our city, to get on board and help the honeybees. They need us almost as much as we need them.

    Posted in FSCPA Honeybees


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